Take your first step in coming alongside our mission of reaching the Antelope Valley!  Fill out a connect card today and you'll have the opportunity to submit a prayer request, connect with a pastor, and sign up for our email news updates!
Partner with us through recurring giving as we seek to fuel ministry in the Antelope Valley as well as through our local and global partnerships.  If you feel led to commit, click the image above, click GENERAL and select SV AV.  You can sign up for a one time gift, or recurring giving.
Upcoming Events

Be a part of the team!

Get involved with our mission as we seek to serve our community!  If you're interested in serving with us, please fill out this form, and we'll get in touch with you.   Everyone has a part to play in the body of Christ, and we'd love to help you use your gifts to serve Him and others!

We're excited to partner with you as pursue Christ together in the Antelope Valley!

SVAV Ministry Wishlist!

We are thrilled to be able to offer an excellent children's ministry environment for your children!  It's a Christ centered, kid-focused space for kids to learn and grow in their faith! Check out our AMAZON WISHLIST, and help us kick off this ministry with what's needed to make that happen!  Feel free to share this list with loved ones looking to make a difference!


Matt Guarino

Lead Pastor (AV Campus)
Matt is a longtime resident of the Antelope Valley, where he lives with his
wife Nicole and son Noah. His family life mirrors the values of love, faith,
and commitment that he imparts to those he shepherds. With over ten years of ministry, his desire to connect with people and grow the Kingdom of God is made clear. He is passionate about seeing emerging leaders grow into mature disciples.

Matt's pursuit of a deeper understanding of theology and pastoral care led him to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Advanced Biblical and Cultural Exegesis. He currently attends Western Seminary, where he’s pursuing his Master of Divinity. His unwavering dedication to both his profound biblical teaching, as well as his family and those around him make him a well respected example of a life well-lived in service to a higher calling.

Other places you’ll find Matt when not preaching include mountain biking, challenging others to burpee challenges, and trips to Coldstone with the family where you can never go wrong with a bowl of chocolate devotion!

Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 5: 6-8

Cydney Amposta

Campus Coordinator 
Cydney moved to the Antelope Valley in 2018 after marrying her husband
Caleb. They now have two beautiful daughters, Romi and Marigold. The
Amposta’s have made a huge impact on the Antelope Valley and we could not be more excited to have this family serving at SV-AV.

Cydney graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelors in Political Science and Masters in Higher Education and Student Affairs. During her time at Ohio University, she surrendered her life to Christ and started serving in a ministry called Young Life where her love of sharing the Gospel with others first began. Using all she learned through her education program and counseling courses, you’ll often find her out in the community making a connection with new families.

Eventually, Cydney transitioned to ministry in the local church where she excels in discipleship. Even with everything on her schedule, she continues to make time for deep relationships with people. Cydney does not need a stage to make a difference— behind the scenes she is impacting countless lives. Our team would not be complete without her sense of humor and spiritual gifts.  Warning: Cydney is an expert in sarcasm.

Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 4:15-16

Our Executive Team

Jim Pruett

Tacho Gallegos

Chris Fessia

Upcoming Events

As a newer community, we are intentionally creating space for people to connect.  We have a number of events that are designed with you in mind, and we would love to get to know you!  And if you'd like to encourage friends and/or family to come along - please, do!

Be sure to follow us on instagram (@southvalleyav) for frequent updates on the events we have coming up.  

Questions?  Please contact: